Losers Quit In February.
In this article, you will find our 3 keys to success in 2020;
I have worked in the fitness industry and been coaching most of my life. Every January at the gym it’s the same old story, we get an influx on newbies and our inconsistent athletes get a renewed energy and vigor to take on the new year and make a change. Something unexpected also happens, we actually lose quite a few members and this is because they want to start running on their own and all of a sudden, the old weight set in the basement seems appealing and or they got an exercise bike for Christmas with a “virtual trainer”.
Some of our coaches and managers start to panic that the classes are getting too big or they are disappointed one of their favorite members just left. My response every time is;
“It’s January, wait until February 1st”.
This is our first new year at OxWork and we have noticed the same trend with business owners. I have heard more new business ideas in the last 30 days than I have ever heard in my life. We have had business owners, where their businesses have grown due to the programming and collaborative working environment we provide, have a new-found energy to go at it alone.
It’s February 2020 and unsurprisingly: running alone still sucks, just like working alone from home still sucks.
The “virtual trainers” and old weights set in the basement have lost their shine, just like those new business ideas.
It’s easy to shrug it off, laugh and make a joke about New Years Resolutions just like everyone else…
…and while this meme is great and extremely true.
At OxWork and OxFit we don’t think our clients not achieving their goals is funny and our main aim is to find solutions to these problems.
Working with athletes over the past 10 years+, and more recently with extremely successful business owners, we have started to understand the problem;
When we set goals at OxWork and OxFit, we always start with the dream. Losing 10 pounds is not a dream, making $1,000 in sales is not a dream. When your alarm clock goes off and it’s cold outside, you are going to need that amazing vision of who you want to become to help you jump out of bed.
To make a real lasting change to your life you have to use time to your advantage. What happens when you have a long time to get a job done? You use the full amount of time and you are still rushed all the way to the deadline. This is known as Parkinson’s Law and it’s the reason all your high school and college papers kept you up until 3a.m the day before it was due. Now, it is the reason you don’t have the six pack you have always wanted, you haven’t run that marathon you promised you would do and your business and life isn’t where you want it to be. Take those 2020 goals and shorten the time frame, you have 12 weeks. Let’s go!
“It would be nice” is the start of sentence where nothing ever happened.
It’s not going to be nice, to get to where you want go is going to take blood sweat and tears. You know that and so subconsciously you have already given yourself an out. You signed up to a gym, but only the one without a contract because sometimes you have to travel or some other (bull) excuse. You have signed up to do an Iron-man or marathon, but you bought the insurance just in case life gets “too busy”. You have started a business but you haven’t really invested any money into it because the market is saturated and people might not want to pay for your services.
Commitment is the key to unlocking your potential. You need to put something on the line that means something to you. If you goal is fitness, sign up to a gym that is way too expensive and sign a contract for the year. If you want to run a marathon or iron-man then stop buying the insurance and book for the earliest one in the year so your training starts the instant you click pay. If you have a business idea you know you can’t live without, go and sign a lease, that S#*T will get you motivated.
These are all extremely simple concepts, but they are not easy. If you need help not only setting but also executing on your goals then we are here to help!