Nobody Cares.

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You have spent thousands of hours building your business, sourcing the best products, building amazing systems and finding the best employees. Your only focus is the pursuit of excellence and you are extremely proud of what you have created. You could talk for hours about how and why each part of your business works the way it does. It’s awesome and other business owners will love hearing your story…




They don’t have time to care. They are busy trying to pursue excellence in their own lives to care about how you have done it.


I know Apple gets references a lot and it’s easy to get sick of hearing about how great they are. However, what they have done with their marketing and communication with potential customers is incredible.


In the book Building A Story Brand, Donald Miller describes how Steve Jobs’ computer, The Lisa, was released with a 9-page spread in the New York Times describing every component of the computer and how amazing the components were. The Lisa flopped. Steve Jobs left Apple and went on to create Pixar, which is one of the greatest story telling companies in the world. When he returned to Apple the next marketing campaign had 2 words;



From 9-pages, to 2 words. The products Apple is producing are just as amazing, but what Steve Jobs and Apple started to understand was, nobody cares what you do, they just care how it affects them.


In the book “Start With Why”, Simon Sinek created a model he named the Golden Circle and he also references the genius of the Apple marketing and demonstrates how Martin Luther King Jr and the Wright Brothers were able to succeed where sometimes others with greater resources failed.


It is not going to be easy to figure out why your customers should care, it is not going to be easy to clearly define why they should choose you, but Apple produces some of the most amazing and revolutionary products the world has ever seen. Now go look on their Instagram, they don’t even have a picture of their products because they understand the customer is always the hero.

Implementing this type of branding and thinking to your own business can be hard, especially if you are going about it alone. At OxWork, we work together to try and solve these problems. We have a community ready to break down your thought process and build you back up. If you are ready to join a team of people who challenge each other, come check us out! 


Ant Oxley